Sunday, August 20, 2017

Confederate Irish Brigade

My early Irish ancestors were in Virginia and North Carolina  years before the potato famine in Ireland forced tens of thousands to flee that country to the United States.  Only to be met at the docks in NYC at Ellis Island and pressed into military service by the Federal Government.  They were fighting for a cause they knew nothing about while their cousins to the south had deep roots in what had become the CSA (Confederate States of America).  The liberals of today would have you believe the only reason for the great conflict between the states was slavery.  Not so.  When it was Lincoln himself who said, "if I could save the union by keeping slavery in the southern states I would do so.  And if I could save it by freeing the slaves I would do that".  No the war for Southern Independence was not fought because of slavery in the South, but for the political dominance by the North.  And now to paraphrase and update the words of the 'Great Emancipator' we are once again met  on the battlefield of that conflict where one side would  dishonor the hundreds of thousands who died on the other side by calling them RACIST.  Lincoln would have never, never have uttered such words, but today's Progressive's would rewrite history to conform to contemporary standards regardless of what is the truth.

Now as then, they use lies, half-truths and worn out platitudes to paint themselves as a 'Band of Angels' in what is in reality an ungodly cause.  Because in the end, their only God is an all powerful government that knows what's best for those poor souls who have strayed.  And of course their battle cry is, "Amen, and past the head of Robert E. Lee"!  Ron Russell  

And no, I didn't forget about you old knot-hole and rear window peepers, 
who thanks to the internet no longer have to hide in the bushes
 behind that hot blonde neighbor's house
in hope the shades would be up.  
This is for you!

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