Monday, October 16, 2017

Casting Couch: Harvey Weinstein to give Starlets "Little Part" about 3 inches

H/T to Ben Garrison Cartoons
The infamous Hollywood Casting Couch has been around Tinsel Town from it's beginning.  Elites there, claimed to be shocked at the revelations coming from the Harvey Weinstein scandal.  From reports circulating around the internet, it seems that Harvey was indeed trying to give Tinsel Town starlets a small part---a very small part (rumored to be somewhat less than 3 inches.  
The faux outrage coming from those who knew Harvey, reminds me of those famous lines from Casablanca:  Captain Renault---"I'm shocked, shocked to find there is gambling going on here!"   
Let me first say, that I think Harvey Weinstein 
is a low-life scumbag.  
That said, I firmly believe most women prefer 
a big wallet to a big 'pecker'!  
And would accept the latter, to get their hands around the former.
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