Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Blonde Driver

One day, while a blonde was out driving her car, she ran into a truck. The truck's driver made her pull over into a parking lot and get out of the car. He took a piece of chalk and drew a circle on the pavement. He told her to stand in the middle and not leave the circle. Furious, he went over to her car and slashed the tires. The blonde started laughing. This made the man angrier so he smashed her windshield. This time the blonde laughed even harder. Livid, the man broke all her windows and keyed her car. The blonde is now laughing hysterically, so the truck driver asks her what's so funny. The blonde giggles and replies, "When you weren't looking, I stepped out of the circle three times!"

There's a blonde driving on the freeway when her husband calls her cell phone. He says,"Honey! Be careful!!! I'm watching the news and on the freeway there's a car driving the wrong way!" She replies,"There's not just one, there's freaking hundreds of them!!!!!" 
A police officer pulls over a car with a young blonde driver in it… 
Cop : “Miss, this is a 65 MPH highway, why are you going so slowly?” 
Blonde : “Officer, I saw a lot of signs saying 22, not 65.”
Cop : “Oh miss, that’s not the speed limit, that’s the name of the highway you’re on!” 
Blonde : “Oh! Stupid me! Thanks for letting me know, I'll be more careful from now on.” 
At this point the cop looks into the back seat of the car, where the passengers are shaking and white as ghosts. 
Cop : “Excuse me miss, what’s wrong with your friends back there? They’re shaking something awful.” 
Blonde : “Oh… We just got off of highway 119”.

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